My love for travel started when I took a chance on myself and got on my first plane ever to the U.K. where I spent a semester of university studying art in wales. 
I met some of the greatest people on that trip and i'm still best friends with a lot of them to this day.
Since then, I have been back to the U.K., Ireland, Canada, Japan and planning on more trips in the near future!

Ever since I was little I was fascinated with fandoms. I was pretty quiet and reserved as a child and i think that let me escape into different realities pretty easily.
Even when I was little, I found myself pairing up my favorite characters, writing fan fictions and drawing my own comics.
If you want to talk about your favorite fantasy book or anime show, i'm your girl.

Being mostly competitive with myself, I'm always trying to outdo my past work and always improve. I can be super critical of myself as a result.
With that said, I also like competing with others too! I was a competitive swimmer growing up, and it was such a thrill! Trying to one-up my siblings in video games and grades was also a big part of my life.
If you like a challenge, let's play some Beat Saber or trivia!





Learn a language

I love learning about new cultures and visiting new places, but to be able to travel somewhere and speak the native tongue would be a dream for me! 
Currently trying to learn Japanese!





Travel asia and europe

I know I've said I love to travel, but I specifically want to travel more around asia and europe. Europe because they're the home of the most famous artists and beautiful architecture. And Asia because I fell in love with their cultures.





travel asia and europe

I know I've said I love to travel, but I specifically want to travel more around Asia and Europe. Europe because they're the home of the most famous artists and beautiful architecture. And Asia because I fell in love with their cultures.





Have a solo show

I think a lot artists have dreamt about having their art displayed in a gallery or museum at some point. Digital art and the internet has definitely made art more accessible to the masses, but seeing art in person is so much more magical. 





have a solo show

I think a lot artists have dreamt about having their art displayed in a gallery or museum at some point. Digital art and the internet has definitely made art more accessible to the masses, but seeing art in person is so much more magical.